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MLA: Modern Language Association: How to Cite Sources (Owl at Purdue)

Trent University MLA Citation Guide

Basic Tips

Citing a Book with one author Taken from Trent U

In-text Citation: This mean in your actual paper at the end of the sentence where you used someone else's work or ideas. Write the author's last name and the page number you got your information from inside parenthesis. ( )

(Lem 202)

Works Cited: These are the parts you need to include on your works cited page for a book. A work cited page lists all the resources you used in your paper. There are different parts of a citation depending on if you used a website, magazine, book, etc. Capital letters, commas, italics, and periods are all very important!

Author’s Last Name, First Name. Title of Book. Publisher, Year of Publication.

For Example:

Lem, Winnie. Cultivating Dissent: Work, Identity and Praxis in Rural Languedoc. State U of New York P, 1999.

Author: Person or people who wrote the book, article, or website. List their last name, then their first name. Capitalize the first letter of their last and first names.

Title: Full title of the book, magazine, or website

Publisher: The name of the company that actually printed the book. Capitalize each word of the company's name.

Year: What year was the book published? 1999

*All this information can usually be found in the first couple pages on the book.

Citing an Entire Website Taken from Trent U

In-text Citation: This mean in your actual paper at the end of the sentence where you used someone else's work or ideas. For a website, there are no page numbers so you only need the author's name.

 (The Hypertext Pratt)

"You may, in fact, choose to use the authors' names or site name in your sentences and not use a parenthetical citation at all:"

The Hypertext Pratt makes available. . .

Works Cited: These are the parts you need to include on your works cited page for a book. A work cited page lists all the resources you used in your paper. There are different parts of a citation depending on if you used a website, magazine, book, etc. Capital letters, commas, italics, and periods are all very important!

Author, Corporate Author, Editor, Compiler Name. Title of Website, Version number or edition used if applicable, Name of publisher/sponsor/organization/institution affiliated with Website if different from Author, Day Month Year created if available, URL, or permalink. Accessed Day Month Year.

For Example:

The Hypertext Pratt. E.J. Pratt Publications Project, 2016, Accessed 25 Oct. 2016.

Author: Person or people who wrote the book, article, or website. List their last name, then their first name. Capitalize the first letter of their last and first names.

Title: Full title of the book, magazine, or website

Publisher: The name of the company that actually produced the website. Capitalize each word of the company's name.

Year: What year was the website created? 2016

URL: Copy and paste the ENTIRE EXACT website where you got your information from

*NEVER write GOOGLE as your website source! Google is just a search engine! Copy the whole website listed at the top and use that. If you go to Google to search for a topic, click on the link to go to the actual website, not just the search results page.

Date Accessed: What is the date that you viewed and got information from the website? This is important in case the website changes their information on the website after you viewed it.