Other Guidelines

Guidelines for submissions:

  1. Word limits:

Flash fiction, short stories -- 3500 words maximum, up to 3 pieces submitted at a time

Poetry -- no word limit, but no more than 3 pieces submitted at a time

Art -up to 3 pieces submitted at a time, can be color or black+white

  1. Any piece in a language besides English should be published with some form of translation

  2. Hate speech or discrimination are not permitted in submissions

  3. All pieces need a title

  4. Author name must be listed under title. Can use an alias, but the literary magazine team needs to know your name

  5. Submit in either .doc, .docx, or rtf format.

  6. All work should be submitted in a readable font (i.e. Times New Roman, Cambria, Georgia) 12 pt., double spaced

  7. If you are caught plagiarizing, you will be BANNED from submitting depending on how much you plagiarized.

  8. Submissions will only be accepted through the lit zine website and through email. Send email submissions to foundressart@berkeley.net for art submissions, and foundresswriting@berkeley.net for writing submissions.

  9. Trigger warnings or graphic content warnings may be placed on your work if it contains explicit content.

  10. Work can be rejected if depicting graphic sexuality

  11. Privacy violations: all pieces should be your own. Don’t submit other people’s stories or personal business without their consent.

  12. Submissions can be unsubmitted by author/artist request.

  13. It’s possible that the editorial board will ask you to revise your work before publication