Final Days on Earth

  I never imagined that Friday night would be my final one on earth. My life was short-circuited. Allow me to rewind a week and share my most recent living recollections. I go to Oak Park High School and everyone refers to me as Lola. I have two best friends, London and Mary. I lived next door to Mya Rose, the school bully, or maybe she hated me for some reason. Her mother had a beat-up old car and her house had one room that she and her mother shared. I don’t judge anyone and quite frankly, I don’t care about that, but Mya puts on a different personality at school. Mya and her friend Loni used to call me names every day at school.

They exclaimed, laughing uncontrollably, “Hey dork, I see your clothes tearing off, you must have no money.” 

They laughed even louder as they walked away as I stood up straight and said, “My clothes don’t define who I am.” Mya gave me the impression that I shouldn’t reveal her true identity to anyone. I wasn’t scared of her, but you never know what she’s capable of. If I remember it correctly, it all began in gym class. Like everyone else, I was preparing to run my five laps around the gym. In class, Mya and Loni mostly just took pictures of me and gave me sour looks. 

I exclaimed, “Stop snapping my picture or you both will be reported,” since I was furious that they were doing it. They looked at me cunningly. They approached me quickly. 

Loni said, “Who do you think you are, you’re a nobody,” with great pride in her voice. Although I felt awful about myself, I had to remind myself that their words are only effective if I participate in them. I waited for London and Mary after class. I explained to them what happened in the gym and how I was sick of being a victim. I had to take action. I set a date to visit her home and speak with her. Mya’s mother’s car pulled up as I waited for my mom after school, and I saw it. Mya probably looked around to check if anyone was nearby. I merely refrained from speaking. When I arrived home, I discussed confidence-building strategies with my mother. 

“Never allow other people to dictate your thinking, and you are gorgeous no matter what you have or don’t have, Lola.” She gave me a big bear hug. 

“I feel a lot better about myself, so thank you, Mom,” I said, comfortingly holding her hand. She eventually located some of her vintage clothing. I grinned broadly and said, “Thank you, Mommy; I really appreciate that.” 

She responded with a smile, “Remember you’re gorgeous no matter what.” When I opened the box, I discovered a hot pink sweatsuit and hoop earrings. The following morning, I curled my hair, put some of my mother’s makeup on, and put on the sweatsuit because I wanted to try something new.

I arrived at school with a new attitude and the confidence that nothing could possibly stand in my way. I was totally mistaken, though. I can still picture myself entering the classroom, playing loud music, and not giving Mya or Loni any attention. 

Loni leaned towards my ear and said, “Mya, you see Lola, she thinks she’s so cute.” 

We both smiled and said, “Loni, let’s give her a little caution about messing with us.” When I went to sit in my chair, Mya pulled it out from beneath me. Loni then pulled my hood, causing my jacket to rip. As I sprint out of the classroom, tears start to fall from my eyes. I called London and Mary from the bathroom, and they arrived as quickly as they could. I just managed to finish telling them the story before I started crying. They could tell I was unhappy and decided it was time for retaliation. 

“Her bullying behavior has reached its limit with all of us. It’s time for her social life to vanish,” London said, remaining firm. Even though I felt terrible about doing it, we had intended to show the video of her stealing clothes and her mother’s car. 

“Let’s get this over with, I’m ready to call it quits.” Mary and London nodded in agreement with what I said. Who would have thought that would backfire in our faces, but we shall discuss that later. 

Mary screened the film on the wall before the initiation of the assembly. Only London and I could see her hushed question, “Are we ready?” We each gave each other a thumbs up. Everyone laughed as the video aired, including Loni, who gave her a sour glance. Mya fled the building. Let the games begin, Lola, you’re in for a treat, I can’t imagine how she did that. Mya missed three days of school, and I felt awful for having descended to her level, but she had to be stopped. 

I missed class to prepare the best retaliation against Lola. I informed my mother that I was sick and didn’t feel like going to school. I recall that my mother had placed my dad’s old gun on the floor of the closet. Every year on Homecoming Friday, Brody the football jock throws a party. Everyone would be there, and that would be my chance to really shine. 

Loni has been grinning at me, London, and Mary in the hallway ever since Mya vanished. This is really strange, but we said nothing and carried on with our day. I was pretty sure everyone would be at Brody’s party tomorrow. Since my friends and I rarely go anywhere, starting here was a wonderful idea. I asked, smiling at both of them, “What attire is the party?” 

Mary grinned, “As if we would know. We don’t go to these events. London looked worried and remained silent the entire time we were getting ready. 

London replied while looking square into our eyes, “Something doesn’t feel right.”

“Everything will be OK, let’s just get moving,” I chuckled. I regret not listening to London that evening. As soon as we arrived at the party, I was blasted in the face with marijuana smoke. I assumed that the red cups everyone was using contained booze. In search of a chair, we walked around the rooms. I went in search of the restroom while London and Mary looked for water. There was a line, of course, and I was surprised to see Mya standing directly in front of me. She laughed, but not a pleasant laugh. I got the impression that there was a problem. She walked up to me and said, “Well, if it isn’t my Lola, I was hoping you'd show here.” I had unease. 

“Why are you in front of me?” I stated, as I had begun to back up.

“Stay put for a moment, I have a surprise,” she said with a smile. She pulled something from her waistband that I wasn't quite able to see due to the low lighting. As she fired three shots into my chest, she exclaimed, “Surprise you foolish girl!” I’m sure you can infer that I was killed because everything that followed was a haze. I will not grant her power in heaven either, so good luck to all of you and a fond farewell as I recall my final moments on earth.