
I used to be the type of kid that would always think the sky is falling. Sitting outside chalking up drawings on the sidewalk of me and my dad, while blasting music on my iPod. Either that, or inside hiding in a corner, somewhere quiet. Trying not to be noticed because I’m crying and sobbing.

“Marshall? Are you alright?” Mom said.

“I had a bad day at school, so I ain’t talking,” I said.

“I’m your mother,” she said, rubbing my back. “You can tell me anything and everything.”

“Conner shoved me into a locker again because he said I eyeballed him.”

“Remember what Dad said,” Mom said.


I swiped her hand off my back and walked down to my room, and closed the door. 

“Marshall, I’m sorry,” she said calmly, “I didn’t mean to upset you. But you got to listen. No one will help you except yourself. Show them that you're not weak, even if you're small and they’re bigger than you.”

I opened the door, and hugged my mother. The next day I went to school, I went to use the bathroom. I heard someone walking behind me. It was Conner. He began to sprint towards me, so I ran as fast as I could. I hid behind the bathroom door with my lunchbox and waited until he came in. As soon as he came in, I swung the lunchbox into his face that left him with a black eye. I swung so hard that the handle of the lunchbox broke off. 

          “THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR PICKING ON ME!” I said, running out the bathroom. I ran home to my mother and told her what happened. 

         “Want a new lunchbox?” She said proudly. 

         “The same one,” I said.