Last Seen: April 25th

Last Seen: April 25th

Beep-beep-beep-beep beep-bee- My arm rolled over and shut off the alarm clock. 7:35 am, it was time to get up. Grudgingly, I forced my arms to prop my torso up, slowly glancing around my room, lit by the early morning light. Why does the morning always have to be so mundane? I wonder, letting my feet fall to the floor. It’s cold as ice. I wince at the sudden change in temperature as I waddle over to my dresser. Why is it this cold out, isn’t it spring? I reach for the top drawer in my dresser and pull it open. It’s filled to the brim with socks, but… this isn’t my sock drawer. Why are they here? I reach for the other drawers and pull them open. I can’t be imagining things right? Right. The other drawers are just as they should be, shirts all tucked together, pants neatly organized, nothing is wrong. I had done laundry yesterday after all, maybe I mixed them up. I glanced out the window, curious to see the weather. But wait. Why am I looking at my backyard? Doesn’t this window lead to the driveway? It’s clearly leading out to the backyard though, so… I guess I might just be forgetting, mixing it up. I glance around my room and see, my bookshelf isn’t where it should be. It moved. From the door to the wall. How? I need to understand what’s going on. I roam over to my nightstand, reaching for my phone. I feel nothing, nothing at all on my nightstand. It must’ve fallen. I crouch down, looking under my bed and nightstand carefully, slowly. The only thing to greet my gaze are the walls, out of my reach, inescapable. I slowly stand up. There’s always the landline though. I walk over to the landline, mounted on the wall and dial in for the job. Boss picks up.

“Hi Boss,” I say.

“Hello,” Boss replies, “still feeling a bit under the weather?” I don’t remember calling in sick yesterday, that’s odd.

“Yes Boss, but I’ll be sure to make it to work tomorrow.”

“Alright, that’s fine,” Boss says, and hangs up. I’m sure I didn’t call in sick. I’m sure of it. How am I sure? If Boss said that I did, I must have. How odd, how odd, how odd. If I don’t remember something I should remember then what are the other things that I should remember that I don’t remember that I need to remember? I set down the phone and glance around. “What a lovely house.” It has wallpaper I don’t recognize and curtains I’ve never owned and a calendar, marking the day, April 26th.