Is it Worth the Time?

Is it worth the time?

I stole his love, I did. Her skin, still so supple and pink, untouched. She was virtuous, but no longer. I feel no remorse, yet for him to challenge me, is it worth my time? The energy? I know I could beat him if I pleased, kill him maybe. The poor child wouldn't stand a chance. Stupid, the word, possibly the only word I would use to describe him. He marched to my drawbridge much like I marched to hers, however I, more manly. He demanded to pass my guards to see me. When I waved him through he glared down to me. However taller, his status stood a fraction of mine. His threat was less than that of a mouse.

“I challenge you!” He spoke. His chest thrust. “For my love, Emily. I believe her to be mine.”

“YOURS?!” I shouted, raised from my seat. “My power and my throne belittle you!” The allowance of this boy’s heart befuddled me. I grew angry, the boy is foolish. I will beat him in this battle, but why? If the energy simply does not possess me? Why cause this harm? I am not cowardly! I, too confident for dear Emily to want him! His family shall grieve his loss, their pain for my pleasure yet I don’t desire it. So instead, I jail the man. Locked up for eternity, he shall face his own consequences.