
I love horse riding and having fun with my brother at our ranch. To me, the ranch is like a big playground. There are so many things to do and I have fun out here everyday. The house we have is huge and it's so beautiful. I hope I can live here forever, I don't think any other place is like this. Tonight, he and I are going to cook. When our parents aren't here we usually make any food we want and tonight we are making spaghetti. There is also a party that I was invited to and I wanted to go with my brother so I have things to do. It was 2:15 and we were outside riding horses up this hill to take some pictures of both of us on the horses.

“Catch up Mal,” I said. I was flying up the hill. I was riding my favorite horse Ruby. She was probably the fastest horse we had.

“I'm zooming, I’ll catch up!” Mal said. We got up that hill in about 10 minutes when it usually takes 20 minutes. Our horses were tired, so before we took pictures we took a break and ate some of our food that we brought in our satchels. We had some protein bars, sandwiches, and water. Once we started taking pictures the horses did great, they did some standing up poses and the sun looked perfect in the background with the mountains. Later in the day around 5:00, I started cooking with my brother. We were pretty good at making spaghetti and any pasta in general and we ended up making garlic bread in the oven. We finished after about an hour and a half and we went to a party shortly after because all of my friends were going and I just brought my brother with me. There were close to 100 people at the party and it was great. It was just a basic party and we did normal party things but once we left and I drove back home, something was smoking in the distance.


“I'm going to call Mom”, Mal said. “Mom, the house is on fire.”


“Okay, I’ll do it right now”, Mal said. He called them and I drove there so fast. The second I got there I had thought of how I didn't remember turning the oven off.

“Mal, we didn’t turn the oven off”, I said.

“I knew we forgot to do something,” Mal said.

“What do you mean we?” I said. “This is your fault!”

“Why are you blaming me for this?” Mal said. “Both of us were using everything to make food.”

“Well, now we just have to wait for the firemen and police to get here,” I said.

“Let’s go check on the horses”, Mal said, “I hope they are okay.” I drove over to the horse shed and they looked like they were doing fine. The horse shed is pretty far from the house so I was expecting everything to be fine over here.

“I hope we can still live here,” I said. “I love being here with the horses.” We watched as the firemen drove their trucks over to our house. They were using the water hose on the house, but it kept burning. Me and my brother were right next to the house and the heat was crazy. It was so sad seeing my favorite place burn.