A Night to Gather Hearts

Elaine rolled out of bed, light peeking through the eggshell-colored curtains, the silky autumn breeze filtering through her window screen, the gust settling her hair back into its perfect state. Her feet landed softly on the carpet her mother had gifted her as she walked over to her closet. Tonight was her night, as her mother had told her many times before. She rifled through her closet, looking for the outfit her mother had told her she should wear when the time came.

Her mother was gone now, though the memories of her still remained. Those that she had forced out of her mind flooded back as she picked up the shirt from inside a box. Its blue and white flowers shone in the light as she brought it over to her mirror. She held it up to herself, admiring the way it draped over her perfectly, the crop making her look taller than she actually was. She folded up the shirt, placing it on a shelf she’d dedicated for her outfits. She sat down on her bed, admiring the smell of the air after it had rained the night before. She looked back in the closet, trying to figure out where the other half of the outfit could be. She looked closer as she felt drawn to a box in the back of her closet. Digging through half her stuff, she found the box. She tore it open, a daffodil yellow skirt inside, begging her to wear it. She remembered now, the night she had put the box there.

Her mother had told her specifically to put it in that corner, the night before she left. Panic had coated her mother’s face as she put the clothes in her room. Her mother told her she’d come back, though she never actually did.

She pushed all of this out of her head, and pulled the skirt, bringing it to her mirror too. She held it up to her body, watching as it cinched itself at the waist, as if it were telling her that it would fit her flawlessly. She pulled her shirt over her head, her skirt up her waist, and glanced back in the mirror.

Elaine twirled with ease, the breeze gusting a little harder to ensure the perfect look as she spun, the skirt flaring open. As she did, the flowers fell down in ash, piling up at her feet. Her previously lettuce hemmed sleeves shortened to straps an inch or so thick, the neckline from a soft u-neck to a sweetheart. Her skirt followed in the same fashion, falling down in ash as the length extended from mid-thigh to down to her ankles. She looked in the mirror once again, studying herself and the dress. To her surprise, she looked similar to her mother. Neighbors and friends of her mother always said they looked so much alike, though Elaine never saw it until now. It was identical to her mother’s dress, though hers had had hearts on it, a new one every time she’d gone out. When her mother came back after her outings, her dress always had a bright red heart that faded to a soft brown. Now she knew it was her turn to gain a heart as she waited for night to fall. The dress fit her perfectly, as she knew it would.