
Person agreement 

Kawahíva verbs show person agreement with either the subject or object in matrix clauses; the choice depends on the person hierarchy  1>2>3 (at least in the varieties spoken by the Júma and Uru Eu Wau Wau). This research shows that subject agreement markers are truly inflection, while object markers are pronominal. Check out my International Journal of American Linguistics (IJAL) paper [link].

Verb-initial clauses

Kawahíva shows a pattern of verb-initial (V1) clauses in discourse-neutral contexts (e.g., out-of-the-blue). Building on novel fieldwork data, I demonstrate that the existing formal accounts of V1 make incorrect predictions about the language word order. Instead, I propose that the Kawahíva V1 order is due to a mechanism previously unattested for deriving the V1 order cross-linguistically.

A resubmitted manuscript is under review with Natural Language and Linguistic Theory (NLLT). Send me a message for access.

Language documentation, revitalization, and revalorization

As a documentary linguist, I employ a modern workflow of language documentation to create primary records that can support the revitalization of Kawahíva. All materials collected are deposited in the Kawahiva Language Documentation Archive in the California Language Archive. I also published a paper about how I assessed the vulnerability of the language prior to designing a language documentation project with the Kawahíva communities involved. Check out the Language Documentation page.

I am also broadly involved in language revitalization efforts.   I have aided in orthography reform and organized several literacy workshops and language revalorization panels with Kawahíva community members. Check out this panel with the Juma [link] (available in Portuguese only).