Wesley dos Santos

I am a Ph.D candidate in Linguistics in the Department of Linguistics at the University of California, Berkeley.

My research is on syntax and morphosyntax. Topics of interest include clause structure and agreement phenomena. This work builds on novel data that I collected through fieldwork on several ethnic varieties of Kawahíva (Tupí-Guaraní family, Brazil; appx. 550 speakers) since 2017. Additionally, I do community-oriented fieldwork. This work has led me to develop several resources for Kawahíva, including a dictionary app and a keyboard, among others. Check my CV for more on my work! 

I have a BA in Letters/ Portuguese from the Federal University of Goiás (UFG; 2015) and a Master's degree in Linguistics from the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP; 2018). My master's dissertation presents a typology of causatives in Panoan languages

While I spend a great deal of my time doing Linguistics, I also find some to watch soccer and movies.