The Park and Its Environs: History and Ecology, Challenges and Opportunities

Past to Present

To dive into the history of Peralta Hacienda Historical Park, we first explore the park's history and the land on which it sits. Next, we take a broader look at the historical evolution of the Fruitvale neighborhood, in which the park is located. Finally, we take a deeper dive into modern community activism efforts and examine the environmental and social issues that Oakland and Fruitvale residents face today.

Mapping (In)Equity in Fruitvale

Mapping (In)Equity in Fruitvale investigates the impact of historical policies, using maps to visualize social, economic, and environmental issues in Fruitvale today. These maps reveal inequities in both human, and more-than-human, experiences of the neighborhood. Please click on the button below to continue reading.

Site Historical Ecology

Through an interactive timeline, you are invited to explore Peralta Hacienda Park’s ecological history through the eyes of the Peralta Creek. The Creek acts as a central witness to the ecological and cultural shifts of the Fruitvale district and helps to frame a temporally vast narrative. Throughout this exploration, we draw your attention to the shifting interactions between humans and nature in this riparian space, and the ways these actors have mutually co-constructed each another and the broader environment.

Site Analysis & Design

Potential opportunity sites have been identified along 34th Avenue (a low traffic street formerly designated by the City of Oakland as a 'slow street') and within Peralta Hacienda Historical Park that could create a pollinator 'corridor' within Oakland's Fruitvale District. These opportunities involve small interventions that together can enhance and expand community greenspace. Combined with educational programming, street murals, and park-based programs, these interventions can reinforce place keeping in the neighborhood and strengthen community ties. Please visit our the page linked below to learn more about the analysis conducted.