Development of Socially-compliant Driving Behaviour for Automated Vehicles to Enhance Safety and Efficiency in Mixed Traffic

June 4, 2023 | Anchorage, Alaska, United States

Local time 13:30 ~ 18:00 PM

Meeting room: Room 5 (On-site only, no hybrid option)

Welcome to join the IV2023 Workshop on the Development of Socially-compliant Driving Behaviour for Automated Vehicles! Fully automated vehicles (AVs) are expected to be beneficial to traffic safety and efficiency. Although steady development of higher levels of AVs is witnessed, their deployment will not happen overnight. There will be a transition period during which AVs with various automation levels will share the road with human drivers leading to a mixed traffic condition. 

Previous studies have usually incorporated safety, efficiency, comfort, and energy consumption into the development of AVs’ driving behaviour. However, making AVs socially compliant, understood and accepted by human drivers is also crucial for safety and efficiency, especially in a mixed traffic condition. Designing socially compatible driving strategies and behaviours is thus becoming increasingly important. 

This workshop aims at boosting the discussion in this emerging field, reviewing the state-of-arts, building up common consensus and terminologies among researchers/companies, discussing the research needs, identifying possible research directions, and establishing potential corporations. The proposed topics include but are not limited to the following:

Invited Keynote Speakers

Associate Professor

TU Delft

Senior Manager, Nissan Alliance Innovation Lab Silicon Valley

Professor of Computer Science 

Vanderbilt University

Principal Engineer, Team Leader

Motional Inc.


TU Delft

TU Delft

UC Berkeley

Tongji University