Tutorials + Videos


Anastasios and Stephen wrote a hands-on introduction to conformal prediction and distribution-free uncertainty quantification aimed at a reader interested in their practical implementation, who is not necessarily a statistician. There are many explanatory illustrations, Python/PyTorch code samples, and examples. Any feedback is much appreciated and can be sent directly to the authors.

A this video accompanying the first two sections of the above manuscript.

A introduction to risk-controlling prediction sets -- an extension of conformal prediction to handle many supervised learning tasks.

A comprehensive, statistical tutorial to conformal prediction and distribution-free calibration.


Software for conformal methods in

Contributed Videos

  • Uncertainty Prediction in Deep Sequential Regression Using Meta Models [video] [paper]

  • Bayesian Multi Scale Neural Network for Crowd Counting [video] [paper]

  • CD-split and HPD-split: efficient conformal regions in high dimensions [video] [paper]

  • How Nonconformity Functions and Difficulty of Datasets Impact the Efficiency of Conformal Classifiers [video] [paper]

  • Nested conformal prediction and quantile out-of-bag ensemble methods [video] [paper]