
Poster Formatting and Submission

For papers accepted for a poster presentation, please create your poster as a single image file satsifying the following properties:

  • .png format

  • Minimum resolution is 1000px width and 600px height

  • Maximum resolution is 5120 width x 2880 height

  • Maximum file size is 3MB

  • No transparent background

We have two poster sessions available on July 24: 11am-12 noon and 7:00pm-8:00pm. You may choose which of the two sessions you prefer for your presentation.

To submit your poster, send an email to with the subject line "DFUQ_poster_[sessiontime]_[papername]" where [sessiontime] is 1 for 11am-noon session and 2 for the 7pm-8pm session (Pacific time). For example, the subject line could be "DFUQ_poster_2_myconformalpaper". (Please send only one poster per email.)

Submission Instructions

  • Submit a single PDF with everything included. Any format is ok. If you are including code or other media host it elsewhere and link to it in the paper.

  • No minimum or maximum length.

  • Do not anonymize your submission.

  • Submissions must involve distribution-free uncertainty quantification.

  • We encourage both theoretical contributions to distribution-free UQ and also applications to any area.

  • This workshop is non-archival. it is permitted to submit papers that have appeared in a peer-reviewed conference or journal. It is also permitted to simultaneously or subsequently submit substantially similar work to another conference or to a journal. Accepted papers will receive a talk or a poster at the workshop and will appear as one-page abstracts on this website. Authors can elect to link this abstract to a version of their paper hosted elsewhere (e.g. arXiv, or a personal server).

  • Dates:

    • We will have a rolling deadline until July 1st, AOE, for poster presentations.

    • We will review papers as we get them, with a one-week turnaround.

    • We will make final notifications of spotlights by June 15; if you want your paper considered for a spotlight talk, submit before June 14.

    • The video submission deadline for spotlight talk recordings is June 25, AOE.

    • The camera-ready deadline for posters is July 16, AOE.

  • Submission link here: