Bay Area Planetary Science Conference

In-Person Conference May 23, 2022


The conference will be held at the MLK Jr. Student Union Building. See the map above.

Street Address: 2495 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, CA 94720

The meeting room (Tilden Room) is located on the 5th floor of the MLK Jr. Student Union building.


Visitor parking information can be found here.

A map of parking structures can be found here.


If you are getting to Berkeley by car, you can use this google spreadsheet to coordinate carpooling.

Workshop Organizers

  • Anton Ermakov (UC Berkeley, Space Sciences Labotatory)

  • Diogo Lourenco (UC Berkeley, Earth and Planetary Science)

  • Burkhard Militzer (UC Berkeley, Earth and Planetary Science & Astronomy; CIPS director)

  • Lior Rubanenko (Stanford)

  • Mathieu Lapotre (Stanford)

Sponsoring Institutions: