Deep Roots

10 minute dance performances at



Location: 1st floor Detention Barracks

Choreographed by Caitlin Han

Performed by Cheryl Yang and Caitlin Han


“Twelve Flower Gods - Peony” by F.Be.I (Peony Ouyang Xiu)

“The Story of Ming Lan BGM—Dialogue, Confidence” by Meng Ke and Lu Liang

“奠灵” by Yunlong Dong (Libate of the Spirit) 

Plants with deep roots have the ability to survive in harsh environments and stabilize the soil. Chinese immigrants struggled to adapt and integrate into American society under the pressure of the Chinese Exclusion Act and discrimination, just as these plants grow in the harsh environment. How can you strip your culture from your body? The rhizome is inseparable from the plant, just as culture is deeply engraved into the soul.

–Caitlin Han 

Photos by Ben Dillon