
Our team

Jackson Wagner (left): Jackson is a UCB MEng '23 EECS major with a concentration in Robotics and Embedded Software. He formerly worked as a Product Manager at Scale AI and as a Business Analyst at McKinsey. He earned his undergraduate degree from Harvard in Physics and Math with a Computer Science secondary in 2019.

Jackson built the maze reconstruction and path planning component of our system, the decision logic for returning the desired ball position, and the message and launch files.

Joohwan Seo (left-middle): Joohwan Seo received his B.S. degree in Mechanical engineering (ME) from Yonsei University in 2019, where he also received his M.S. degree in ME in 2021. He worked in Machine Learning and Control Systems (MLCS) Laboratory. He is now pursuing his Ph.D. at UCB ME in Computer Mechanics Lab (CML). His research interests include control and machine learning in application to Robots, UAV, and Autonomous vehicles.

Joohwan designed and implemented the control algorithm in the control package.

Justin Lee (right-middle): Justin is in his third year pursuing an undergraduate mechanical engineering degree at Berkeley.

He designed and built the physical maze hardware, wrote the position detection component of the computer vision node, and worked on the subscriber/publisher code for the maze solver package.

David Qiao (right): David received his B.S. in ME in 2020 from UC San Diego. He is now pursuing his MEng degree in ME with a specialization in Robotics & Control.

David implemented the 2-joint control algorithm and tuned the control parameters in the control package.