
We use the term post-secondary education for institutions like universities, trade schools, and community colleges.

Feel free to look through the scholarships from both high schools. You might be eligible depending on where you live and what high school you go to. NEVER PAY FOR A SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION!

Local Frankfort Scholarships

Local scholarships are often your best chance to receive a scholarship because you are competing with less students. Read carefully through the following information. Every scholarship must have a completed copy of the basic application, two recommendation letters (school staff and non-school staff), transcript, personal statement, and an acceptance letter.

Log in or create an account on the College Board's website. This is the same account where you can review your SAT scores.

Complete these steps to be entered in to win monthly scholarships! If you complete all the steps, you will be eligible in to win the College Board's grand prize scholarship ($40,000!). Click here to view steps you need to take to be eligible!

Make sure you read through the descriptions of each scholarship; you might be eligible even if the title is from another county.


National Scholarships

National scholarships are more competitive because you are competing against students across the country. There are many national scholarships out there and can be "lottery" based or be more involved and require an essay. There are many great scholarship search websites that allow you to create an account and match you with scholarships!

Scholarships Websites

Tips on writing scholarship essays

The following links can assist on your college essays:

Scholarship Personal Essay Writing Tips!