Career Exploration

Learning Through Interests 

We at Liberty High School pride ourselves on our LTI program. Each student has unique interests and curiosities that can be explored during the school day. We take students on field trips to places of employment to speak with professionals about what they do and the path they took to get to where they are in their career. We also bring professionals to our campus to speak to students who want to learn more about their particular job. We have a goal of having our students participate in internships within the community so they can receive on-the-job training and experience, further preparing them for the adult world! 

If there are any careers you are interested in learning more about, stop by my office or email me ( and we set up an event! 


Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery. This test is required, should one decide to join the military. The test is intended to measure one's strengths in a variety of domains. I strongly encourage any student who is considering joining the military to take this test, as we can offer it for free at the high school level. 

The ASVAB is not just for those interested in the military! We use it primarily to guide students in finding where their strengths match up with their interests. There are also features where students can see the salaries for jobs they're interested in, colleges that specialize in their interests, a more! 

I schedule the ASVAB to be held at Liberty twice a school year - once in the fall and once in the spring. I encourage all students to take it, as the test guides students in their post secondary research. 

ASVAB Interpretation

Written Instructions for ASVAB Interpretation

Video Guide for ASVAB Interpretation

Other Career Assessments 

Solano Community College 

SCC offers free career exploration assessments - no account needed! You can chose between a 6 question or 60 question test. 

Bonus! Scroll to the bottom of the page linked above to browse careers and get an idea of education requirements and salaries. 

MAPP Career Assessment 

Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships. This is a 71 question test. You will need to create an account, then answer 71 questions regarding your likes and dislikes. 

Career Onestop 

You will complete a 20 question quiz on your likes and dislikes. Then, you will be directed to a page with a variety of careers based on your answers. You may click on these careers to find out more about them. No account needed. 

Are you interested in the Military? 

Click the images below to contact a recruiter and for more information. Be sure to sign up for the ASVAB! 

Air Force


Coast Guard


National Guard


Do you want more guidance? 

I'm happy to help! Students are always welcome to email me (, or come by my office to chat. I likely will not have all the answers, but I'll help you find the information you're looking for!