Ben Franklin PTO

What is PTO?

PTO is Ben Franklin's Parent-Teacher Organization, supporting the education of children by fostering the relationship between the students, families, and teachers at Ben Franklin Elementary School.


Hosting fun, free or low-cost social events throughout the year for families to attend and enjoy.


Providing materials and assistance to students all teachers across all learning environments.


Supplementing field trip and special activity costs, expanding classroom libraries and more.


Showing gratitude and appreciation for teachers and staff with meals, gifts and fun activities.

How can you help?

Our PTO board communicates with school staff and families, sets goals for fundraising and social events, manages funds, organizes the yearbook and much more! HOWEVER, we would not be able to support Ben Franklin without the generous support of our school community [YOU]!  There are NO membership fees. Instead, we ask for support in the following ways: