1:1 Devices

This year, all K-3 grade students will be issued an iPad for their educational use. Students in grades 4-9 will be issued a Chromebook. Students are expected to follow the specific guidelines listed below and take any additional common sense precautions to protect the device.

  • Your 1:1 device is managed by the Bement school. It is school property and must be returned at the end of the school year

  • Devices are for educational use only

  • If the device is brought home, be sure it is fully charged before returning to school

  • Do not download programs, change the settings, or modify the device in any way.

  • Alert a teacher immediately of any concerns for safety or security

  • Be a good digital citizen. Follow the same rules for behavior and respectful conduct online as you would face to face

  • Report any loss, damage, or malfunction to the technology department immediately. Do not attempt repairs yourself.

Loss or damage to the device may result in full financial responsibility.

Chromebooks are a web-based device. Unlike a traditional laptop, they do not have a hard drive. Using the Chrome operating system, they are the ideal device to access your G Suite tools, search the web, and participate in Google Classroom.

Here are some handy touchpad and keyboard shortcuts.

Please note: we are going paperless! Students will not be able to print from their Chromebooks. Teachers will be able to print, in the event a paper copy is needed.

iPads are tablets that run on the Mac iOS. The iPads are managed by the school, so all student devices have the same apps, and will be automatically updated.

Meet your new iPad