
Our primary curriculum exposes children to a broad range of subjects and learning opportunities to deepen their educational experience and build a solid foundation of subject knowledge and skills. From the time children enter our academies, we aim to engage our them in the importance and uniqueness of every subject whilst emphasising the relationships between subjects. All children study the full requirements of the national curriculum across all core and foundation subjects. This ensures that children’s cultural capital is developed through acquisition of knowledge, skills and understanding in:

  • English

  • Mathematics

  • Science

  • Design Technology

  • Religious Education

  • Geography

  • History

  • Computing

  • Modern Foreign Languages (French)

  • Music

  • Physical Education

  • Art & Design

  • Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education(PSHCE) including Relationships Education

Below is our curriculum map showing the topics studied in each year group.

Developing the Whole Child

The Outwood learning model ensures that children develop the characteristics of good learners and the vital skills required for the next phase of education and work. We have 3 expectations which underpin our work: • Be safe; • Be respectful; • Be responsible.

Our award winning PHSCE provision ensures that a strong focus is given to developing and supporting children’s social and emotional mental health. Weekly ‘Time To’ sessions enable children to pause and reflect on their experiences; connect with their peers group and communities; and explore a range of topical issues that both they and their world face. Our curriculum provides opportunities to explicitly develop the whole child - focusing on developing the qualities (being respectful, resilient, creative, confident and independent) and skills (listening, communicating, co-operating, organising and investigating) that children need to acquire in order to become successful life long learners.

Each of our academies has an ‘Academy Parliament’ with an elected Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister. Children hold portfolios (e.g Minister for Health & Well Being) and lead innovation in these areas within their academy. Throughout the year, the parliaments join trust-wide summits to ensure that their voice impacts the continuing development of our primary partnership.

Extra Curricular Provision

Our academies provide a rich programme of careful planned extra curricular provision which strengthens the core offer. These experiences are planned to ensure that they enhance our approach to character education by providing opportunities which embrace sport, creativity, performing, volunteering and membership, and the world of work.

The Outwood Primary Diploma

Our Outwood Primary Diploma is an award winning (National Teaching Awards 2020) programme designed to complement the academic curriculum with the intention of developing our children into the citizens that we want our future world to inherit. The diploma allows each pupil across the Outwood Academies to experience life skills that go above and beyond the curriculum, delivering the knowledge and experiences crucial for success in later life.