
9am - Google meet - Registration and outline for the day


9.30am - Certificate Assembly with Miss Ireland and Year 2


10am - English

10.45am - Phonics

11.15am - Maths

12pm LUNCH

12.30pm - Reading and task

1.15pm - Computing

1.45pm - Numbots

2.15pm - Storytime

English - Room on the Broom

Watch the video to hear and see the story

Lesson 7

Then click through the power point for today's English lesson. Complete the task on the correct worksheet in the pack or on paper.

Maths - One more one less 2

Click the link on the left <<<<---------- Number: Place Value (within 50)

Play the second lesson 'One more one less' and complete the worksheet.

Reading time and task

Try and complete one of the stars. Can you reach number 11 by the end of the week? Take photos of yourself completing the task and I will be handing out certificates when we are back at school.

Next complete the reading task below.


Task 1: Play and describe how to play a real life puzzle. What is the same about the online puzzle from last week and the real life puzzle. What is different?

Task 2: Login to Busy things via the link on the left and draw a picture of your favourite book character.


Login via your numbots login and continue playing the game via story mode.

Aim for 20 minutes playing time.


The Masked Reader

Watch these 2 videos.

Can you guess who these Masked Reader's are?

Red Riding Hood.mp4