
9am - Google meet - Registration and outline for the day

9.15am - English

10.15am BREAK

10.30am - Google meet

10.45am - Phonics

11.15pm - Maths

12pm LUNCH

12.30pm - Reading and task

1.15pm - R.E

1.45pm - Film

3pm - Story by Mr Doey

English - Room on the Broom

Watch the video to hear and see the story

Lesson 5

Then click through the power point for today's English lesson. Complete the task on the correct worksheet in the pack or on paper.

Maths - Represent numbers to 50

Click the link on the left <<<<---------- Number: Place Value (within 50)

Play the video for lesson 'Represent numbers to 50' and complete the worksheet.

Use the cut out numicon to help you with question 2 and 3.

Reading time and task

Read one of the books that has been assigned to you for this week on Get Epic.

Read the instructions <<<<<<--------to find out how to login. If you have an ipad (ios) or android tablet you can download the app.

Next complete the reading task below.

Lesson 1 Hinduism

R.E - Hinduism

How can belonging help us through the journey of life?

Click through the power point for today's lesson and task.

Copy of Mask Reader PROMO.mp4

Coming Soon....

Next Thursday is World Book Day.

For our google meet that day, everyone will be dressing up.

This year dress up as a word e.g sporty, sparkly, green OR as a character from a book.