2023 Events

"The Prehistoric Earth"

Event 1: Anything Goes!

There will be up to 10 stations set up with questions or activities related to science: two physics, two chemistry, two biology, two earth science, and two 'whatever we think of'.  (Hint: one of our favorites is "name that thing.") You will be given a set amount of time to complete each slide and submit a form with your results.

Event 2: Mystery Science 

In this event, you will be asked to put your engineering and science skills together to solve the situation. We will provided everything except goggles, gloves, and masks. 

Event 3: Science Trivia

This year, trivia will focus on the The Prehistoric Earth from the flora and fauna to the abiotic influences, weather, and more. Special feature will be the women in the field of paleontology.  There will be 4 rounds of questions each with it's own form and topic. The rules for the game will be presented at the contest. The format will be based on team trivia.

Event 4: Pre-Build Help, Someone Save My BABY!

A byronosaurus has made its nest too close to the edge of a cliff and its eggs are going to fall with the next big gust of wind!  The nest is 15 feet, 3 inches (4.65 m) from the ground and there is no way the eggs are going to survive that fall without your help!

You must build a device that will save the eggs as they fall and allow for their recovery. The team that successfully saves the eggs with the lightest and smallest volume packaging containing the device will win.                               

Click here for additional details.

Pre- Build Questions and answers: 

Can we put anything on the ceiling? No - it must be free standing

Can anything be attached to the floor? No - it must be free standing

Is there only 1 trial/drop per team? Yes

Will there be opportunities to practice on site before the devices are impounded? No

Can you clarify the qualifying team's scoring? - Is the density the tie breaker? ("The lightest mass and smallest volume packaging") or is one of the variables calculated more heavily than the other? We are adding the mass and the volume of the box each team brings. The qualifying team with the smallest combined data will be the winner. 

Can we bring a plumb line?  We will have a plumb line at the build for the team to use to place their device. 

What size eggs are we using? We are using Grade A Large Eggs

How will it be decided where the egg is dropped from (example - will there be an X on the floor)?  is there a physical ledge? We will have a plumb line at the top of the ledge so the group can hang it down to aim.  There is a ledge with a railing.  The team will have to hold their arm level with the railing as they release the egg. 

Does the box need to be composed of any particular material(s)? The box can be composed of anything but it must be a rectangular prism so we can take the necessary volume measurements. 

Can the device safely bring the eggs to rest on the ground?  If not, is there a minimum height it must safely come to rest at? The device must bring the egg within a meter of the ground without cracking to be considered successful.