Online Action x Offline Action

In our pursuit of real-world change, it's crucial to recognize that the power of online action is significantly amplified when combined with offline methods. 

ABC News covering a group of young, DC activists fighting for equality through social media

Evolution of Social Media for Change

Social media serves as a dynamic process, evolving from a basic discussion forum into a space for sparking meaningful conversations. Over time, platforms like Facebook transform from discussions to hubs for planning and organizing collective efforts (Tierney).

Empowerment Through Social Media Technologies

Social media forums and interactions have accelerated opportunities for political action and social justice (Tierney). Individuals with access to these technologies find new and impactful ways to contribute to positive change and advocate for social justice causes.

A bystander capturing a movement live on social media

Empowered Egyptian citizens in Mohandiseen unite in the face of adversity as they use the internet to shine a light on their cause

Amplifying Impact through Offline Activities

A passionate protester, armed with a BlackBerry 9700, shows how people can capture the strength of their movement and leverage it online. This picture captures the essence of empowerment as people use the internet to bring attention to their cause, bridging the gap between on-the-ground activism and digital advocacy.

Internet activism combined with the power of strong offline movement can amass incredible change that could have been limited before. The power of online activism comes from the overall accessibility of the way the change is made.