Historical Significance

Online activism can serve as a way for significant social and political transformation when these conditions are met. 

#BlackLivesMatter's Impactful Online Activism:

#BlackLivesMatter's online activism is impactful, sparking discussions and influencing policy changes. Social media outperforms news organizations in generating awareness, showcasing the movement's success in using it to address racial injustice and police brutality

Climate Change Activism:

Online activism has significantly contributed to the fight against climate change, promoting environmental awareness and driving global change. Data indicates that the younger generation of social media users is more inspired and prepared to combat climate change. This trend underscores the influence of online activism in mobilizing and engaging the youth, inspiring them to actively address climate issues.

Social Media as a Game-Changer for Environmental Awareness:

Despite the absence of coverage by traditional news outlets, a TikTok video garnered over 5.8 million viewers, emphasizing the impact of online activism in driving awareness, engagement, and activism around environmental issues.

Internet Activism, throughout the years, has proved its importance in creating effective, visible change in a way that is accessible to the general public. If interested in ways to get involved, there are multiple different causes and organizations that can help jump start the journey