We provide technology support for staff and students here at Lurgio.  We are located in the back of the Media Center. 
Students are encouraged to stop by if they are having any technology related issues.


2022/23 Student Tech Orientation - Google Slides**.webm


The Bedford School District has adopted a 1-to-1 Chromebook Program which includes the use of Google Workspace for Education, an extensive collection of productivity and collaborative tools used in our classrooms to enhance teaching and learning in innovative ways. In addition to Google Workspace for Education, our teachers use a variety of other online educational apps/tools with students. In today's technological landscape, there are inherent risks with online technology use particularly as it relates to student data privacy and security. The Bedford School District recognizes its ethical and legal responsibility to adequately protect student data and privacy as required under federal and state laws and district policies. In addition, the District believes that transparency with all district stakeholders with regard to its policies and practices around technology use and student data and privacy is important.

More information about the program can be found on the Data Privacy (Families) page of the BSD Technology Family Resources, located under the Technology Department Family tab of the District website (https://bit.ly/BSDDataPrivacyFamilies).

1 to 1 Chromebook program

The Bedford School District implemented a 1-to-1 Chromebook Program beginning in the fall of 2015. All students in grades 7 thru 12 are required to have a Chromebook device for use at school. This program has enabled tremendous opportunities for our students and teachers to improve teaching and learning.

Parents have three options:

More information about the program can be found on the 1-to-1 Chromebook Program page of the BSD Technology Family Resources page, located under the Technology Department Family tab of the District website (https://bit.ly/bsdchrome1to1).


Mrs. Dennis Digital Learning Specialist    dennisd@sau25.net 

Mrs. Dennis has worked in the Bedford School district since 1997 and has been the Digital Learning Specialist since 2000.

As the Digital Learning Specialist, she 

Mrs. Manley Technology Support Specialist manleyj@sau25.net 

Mrs. Manley has worked in the Bedford School district since 2018 as Lurgio's Technology Support Specialist.

As the Technology Support Specialist, she