
Below are links for Study Activities, all underlined titles are links. Good Luck and Have Fun!

Roleplay Prep

Role Play Tips : This is concise but thorough and outlines all parts of a good role-play from 2019, definitely check it out!

Writing A Roleplay Response : This is a document that is an example of a script for a role play. Keep in mind that for your actual Role Plays you will only have about 10 minutes to prep and it would honestly be a terrible idea to write a script during a real role-play, but it is a great exercise to practice how you can frame your role play, get ideas for how to phrase your ideas, and make yourself more comfortable with role-plays in general. I suggest that you read over the example and then google "[your event] deca role-play" and use one of the role-plays online to create your own role play script. If you create your script and you want feedback you can show it to a DECA friend or you can email it to any officer!

Persuasion Tactics : This is a document created last year (by Khadija Mir!) that has a link to a 3 minute video about persuasion tactics. These tips are super helpful and interesting for DECA and business in general! Also in the document is notes that Khadija took on the video and ideas of how to use them in role plays. Seriously though this video is super interesting!

Roleplay Strategies : To give this some context, every year at ICDC (the international deca competition) the winners of a lot of events are from Ontario, Canada and this is a link to a section of the textbook (DECA is a class there so they have a textbook) so this PDF has a lot of the role play tips that Ontario uses and they win a lot, so I definitely suggest reading over this PDF, maybe find a role play online and think about how you could use the techniques in the PDF in a role play yourself. Also I definitely suggest checking out this PDF if you are a returning member because it has tips that we haven't been taught before in BHS DECA. 

Past Roleplay Winners Tips : This document is tips from California DECA event winners and winning an event in California is a big deal because that is a big state and a lot of people to compete against, so these tips are from kids who have had a lot of success in DECA. Read this over and try to find two tips that you will use in the future and write them down on a notecard. 

Top 5 Roleplay Myths : The info in this article will help you use the rules of Deca Role-plays to your advantage and help you get your score up a couple points! Its a quick read and very informative. 

Business Core PI's : This is a google doc from BHS DECA 2019 ICDC Prep and it is a list of every core performance indicator. A core PI is a performance indicator that can be given to you in any DECA role-play regardless of what category you are in. The goal with this document was to as a group fill out definitions for every PI on the document, but as you can see we ran out of time and that did not happen. I suggest trying to look over these PIs because they will reoccur in a lot of your role plays!

Major Concepts Article : This document has a link to an article and some questions that you can use to guide your reading. There is no need to write out the answers to the questions or anything, but if you want to because it helps you understand better feel free. The article reviews some competition tips that will help boost your score in Role Plays and also help you in the business world in general! It shouldn't take more than 10 minutes to read over. 

New Members

Event Choosing Quiz : This is a short online quiz that will help point you twords an event. Keep in mind it is not extremely important. 

Event Choosing Flowchart : This is a long flowchart that helps direct you towards an event. 

Roleplay Explanation : a document that goes in depth to explain the exact part of a role play and how it is scored

Performance Indicator Basics : This is a video explaining what a Performance Indicator is and how to use them to your advantage in your role-play. 

Test Preparation 

DECA Test Tip Video #1 : A YouTube video called "Deca exam tips and strategies". This video just talks about some test tips and strategies and it pretty helpful.

DECA Test Tip Video #2 : This video is helpful for test taking resources and tips. In the video it mentions that you can buy practice DECA tests on the DECA website, you are welcome to do so, but in all honesty there is plenty of practice tests on google if you just search "deca [name of your cluster] test" , so buying one is pretty unnecessary and most likely won't help you more than a practice test you find online. 

DECA Quizlet Class : This is a Quizlet class from BHS DECA 2019. This class has Quizlet sets for almost any DECA test imaginable and is super helpful!

Practice Kahoot :  This is a Kahoot link used at the end of the 12-2 meeting for returning members. If you click play, then "Start a single player game" you can practice test questions!

DECA Direct Test Tips Article : This is a short article with DECA test tips!

Sample Study Timeline for States : Study Timeline for States that was created in 2019 (by the one and only Dan Dong) that you can use to guide your prep as you get closer to states or right now! It has links to other resources and is simplistic but very helpful! I suggest maybe putting times into your calendar for when you will do each piece of the test prep!

Test Strategy : is a document from DECA Ontario (they are known to be very well prepared and and win events very often at ICDC). Read over this document and then google "[your cluster] deca exam" to find a practice test. Try to use strategies from the document below to answer 10 questions (you can do more if you want too).