Parent Resources

Welcome! I am so glad that you and your student will be part of Bedford Connects this year. My name is Sharon Danaher and I will be the librarian! I am here to help in any way that I can.

I recently read this wonderful article on how to help your child with virtual learning from a company called Edmentum. To sum it up, 6-8 year olds can only focus (sustained learning time) for about 30 minutes and the total amount of daily online time should be between 1-2 hours. Kids also need brain breaks like physical activity, coloring, doing a craft, etc... Reward your child's learning behavior and don't stress. I know the last one is easier said than done, but one of my goals this year is to help students have a stress-free year! Please check it out!

I have linked the Library Card sign up for Bedford County Public Library Systems. We encourage you to get each student signed up to enjoy many free resources!

This a good read about the importance of audio books!

Under 12 years old please use this form.

12-17 years old please use this form.

Reading Tips:

*Phonics - Phonics can seem daunting for parents who were probably taught to read in a rather different way. However, simple games such as ‘I spy’ are great for helping reading, because the children have to listen to sounds. Say, “I spy, with my little eye, something that begins with (for example) the sound ‘f-f-f ’” Look at the ‘football’ or the ‘fridge’. Make sure you refer to the first sound (not the first letter). Take it in turns, with your child saying, “I spy…” Make it lots of fun!

How To Read With A Beginning Reader: • Encourage your child to use his/her finger to point to each word. • Read a sentence and have your child repeat it. • Take turns reading a sentence each or a page each. • Talk about the story as you read it. What do you think will happen next? What does this story remind you of? How do you think this character feels? • Don’t be afraid to read the same book again! Repeated reading helps build reading fluency!

Check For Understanding Start the book by making predictions. What do you think will happen in this story? Ask questions and make comments during the reading process. After reading a book, have your child tell you the events from the story in the correct order. What was the problem in this story? How did the character feel when…? Encourage your child to make connections. Does this story remind you of another book you read, an event in your life, a movie?

Parents: If you wish to learn more about the books your child is reading, you can access information from several websites listed below. These sites are not managed or endorsed by Bedford County Schools.