Just For Fun

Escape rooms:

Hogwarts Digital escape room-For my Harry Potter fans!

Cinderella Escapes- Fairy tale escape room!

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello’s Library- based on the book!

Escape to Narnia- I love this book!

Dog Man Escape Room - Based on the award winning books!

The Hatchet Escape Room

Library Jokes:

  1. Why does an elephant use her trunk as a bookmark?

– Then she NOSE where she stopped reading!

  1. What do planets like to read?

– Comet books.

  1. Why was the dinosaur afraid to go to the library?

– His books were 65 million years overdue.

  1. What vegetables do librarians like?

– Quiet peas!

  1. Where does a librarian sleep?

– Between the covers!

  1. What building has the most stories?

– The library!

  1. Where was the librarian when the lights went out?

– In the dark!

  1. What does a book do in the winter?

– Put on a book jacket!

  1. What do librarians take fishing?

– Bookworms!

  1. What do librarians take fishing?

– Bookworms!

  1. Why didn’t the burglar break into the library?

– He was afraid he’d get a long sentence!

  1. What does the librarian say when she has to leave?

– Time to book!

  1. Why did people stop going to the library?

– It was all booked!