
Mr. Clark's Syllabus

Math Six is designed to meet the needs of each student in accordance with all state requirements and county guidelines. Instruction is based on the Sixth Grade Standards of Learning and follows the Bedford County Pacing Guide.

Advanced Math Six covers all sixth grade SOLs and as many seventh grade SOLs as possible. The course covers the material rapidly and in more depth. Students will be exposed to a rigorous pace and high expectations.

We will use a variety of teaching methods including hands-on activities, direct instruction, practice, application problems, games, and problem-solving opportunities. We will focus on building solid mathematical foundations and branching out to new ideas and concepts.

Every student is required to have a three-subject notebook which will contain their opening activities, notes and examples, and homework practice. This is the best place to go to prepare for tests and quizzes as complete directions and examples will be housed there.

I will use the Forest Middle School Teacher Page weekly to apprise you of upcoming assignments and plans. I am always willing to discuss your child’s progress or any questions you may have. Feel free to contact me by email at

or by calling the school at


Note: Math is a PEN FREE ZONE!

Grading for Math Six and Advanced Math 6 follows all guidelines established by the Bedford County School Board. Grades will be based on the following scale:

90 - 100 - A

80 - 90 - B

70 - 80 - C

60 - 70- D

below 60 - F

Students will be evaluated on tests, quizzes, class work, projects, class participation, and homework. Grades will be weighted with tests and quizzes receiving the highest percentage of points. According to Bedford County policy, homework will count less than 10% of the final average and no one grade will receive more than 25% of the final average .

Incomplete class work will result in the loss 10 points per day. Students will be expected to make up the work during our Fun Friday work session if it is not turned in by Friday morning in homebase.

All graded work will be returned in the Tuesday Folder for you and your child to go over.

Extra Credit will be offered through weekly challenges and throughout the year on given assignments.