Other Links

Click on the following titles of each of the organizations to learn more about the places that support the National FFA Organization! These resources are helpful when preparing for CDE's, filling out scholarships, awards, and even provide resources for class!

National FFA Organization

You can find out more about the National FFA Organization and all it has to offer its members.

Iowa FFA Association

The website of the Iowa FFA Association. You can find resources for CDE's, rules, important dates, and scholarship program.

Iowa FFA Alumni

The Iowa FFA Alumni Association's mission is to secure the promise of FFA and agricultural education by creating an environment where people and communities can develop their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success. On their webpage, you will find info about scholarships and how to join their organization.

Bedford Ag Ed

This gives a brief description about the Bedford ag program and more


The AET is where online records are kept for student SAE programs. Use this link to sign into your account to update your records!

Iowa FFA Foundation

The Iowa FFA Foundation is a non-profit foundation created to provide financial support to agricultural education organizations in Iowa. On their website, you will find information about how to donate, as well as their e-store, where you can purchase the annual FFA tractor and semi models.

Iowa State Fair

On this page you can find information about showing and exhibiting under FFA at the state fair in August.

World Food Prize

The World Food Prize was conceived by Dr. Norman E. Borlaug, recipient of the 1970 Nobel Peace Prize. Since 1986, The World Food Prize has honored outstanding individuals who have made vital contributions to improving the quality, quantity or availability of food throughout the world.


Official website for the United State Department of Agriculture.

Iowa State Extension and Outreach- Taylor County

ISU Extension and Outreach is part of Iowa State University. We take the university's research and turn it into learning opportunities for Iowans. We are people advancing people!