Our Program

The Bedford agriculture education program is a systematic program of instruction available to students wanting to learn about the business, science, and technology of plant, animal, and environmental science systems. Agriculture education first become a part of the public education system in 1917 when the Smith-Hughes Act was passed.

Agriculture education prepares students for successful careers and a lifetime of informed choices. Each agriculture program operates on the 3 circle model. The components of the model are listed and described below.


The classroom provides students the opportunity to further their knowledge of the agriculture industry. Students develop their STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) skills through a variety of rigorous inquiry based activities. Students are able to choose from a variety of agriculture classes to best fit their interests.


Every students enrolled in an ag class is automatically eligible for FFA membership. FFA is an agriculture related leadership organization where students can network to build relationships within the agriculture industry, improve communication and teamwork skills, and develop their potential for professional success through a variety of activities. Dedicated membership will result in exciting trips, prestigious awards, and a lot of fun!


Students also benefit from involvement in year-round supervised agricultural experience programs. These programs provide students the opportunity gain hands-on experience in areas of agriculture that interest them. These programs also add relevance to the rigor of the classroom instruction, and allow students to build upon the connections they make through FFA.