
Global Awareness- May

The internationally-minded IB student is a critical and creative thinker. They engage in global ideas and issues with humanity and compassion. The world can be unpredictable and challenging at times, but the IB student can break down problems and make ethical, reasoned and balanced arguments based continual development.-- For the month of May, engage in global based activities to better understand the world around us.

Reflection/Inquiry Question

How can we cherish cultural diversity?

What do we need to understand about culture?

How can we develop respect for other cultural point of view?

How should development affect culture?


Three-quarters of the world’s major conflicts have a cultural dimension. Bridging the gap between cultures is urgent and necessary for peace, stability and development. Cultural diversity is a driving force of development, not only with respect to economic growth, but also as a means of leading a more fulfilling intellectual, emotional, moral and spiritual life. Cultural diversity is thus an asset that is indispensable for poverty reduction and the achievement of sustainable development. At the same time, acceptance and recognition of cultural diversity – in particular through innovative use of media and Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) – are conducive to dialogue among civilizations and cultures, respect and mutual understanding-


Ten simple things YOU can do to celebrate the Day-

1. Visit an art exhibit or a museum dedicated to other cultures.

2. Invite a family or people in the neighborhood from another culture or religion to share a meal with you and exchange views on life.

3. Rent a movie or read a book from another country or religion than your own.

4. Invite people from a different culture to share your customs.

5. Read about the great thinkers of other cultures than yours (e.g. Confucius, Socrates, Avicenna, Ibn Khaldun, Aristotle, Ganesh, Rumi).

6. Go next week-end to visit a place of worship different than yours and participate in the celebration.

7. Play the “stereotypes game.” Stick a post-it on your forehead with the name of a country. Ask people to tell you stereotypes associated with people from that country. You win if you find out where you are from.

8. Learn about traditional celebrations from other cultures; learn more about Hanukkah or Ramadan or about amazing celebrations of New Year’s Eve in Spain or Qingming festival in China.

9. Spread your own culture around the world through a Facebook page or blog and learn about other cultures in the same way.

10. Explore music of a different culture.