Missing/Late Work Policy

Missing/Late Work Form

Do you accept late/missing work?

Yes. I accept late/missing assignments until the Friday prior to the last week of the quarter. Points will be deducted from late assignments depending on how late the assignment is. No points are deducted from absence assignments unless they are turned in after the time allotted in the Student Handbook.

Quarter 1 = Friday, October 7

Quarter 2 = Friday, December 9

Quarter 3 = Friday, March 3

Quarter 4 = Friday, May 19

*Please note: Any grading policies are subject to change due to BCS District policies that are put into place after this is posted.

How do I turn in late/missing work?

Whatever your reason for turning in work after the due date, you MUST complete and submit an Absent/Late/Missing Work Form.

Turn your absent/late/missing assignment in to the designated location (for example - Google classroom, Gizmo, Red late/absent folder at the front of class, etc.). Then complete and submit the form.

Please allow for a FULL week for the assignment to be graded and for Progressbook to be updated. I understand that you are anxious to have your grade updated as soon as possible, but you will need to be flexible and patient in waiting for your late/missing work to be graded and entered into Progressbook.

If you accumulate more than 3 late assignments (does not include absent or redo work) in a nine weeks, you will have to have a parent signature on you missing/late form to get it graded. Each nine weeks will start over.

The Late/Missing Work Form will be available in Google Classroom and below:

Have Questions or Concerns??

If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at theresa.lindeman@gocreek.org and place "Student Concern" in the subject line.