
If the below troubleshooting does not solve your problem please put in a tech ticket with Incident IQ.

How to Wake a Sleeping Chromebook

Press and hold the “Esc”, “Refresh” and “power keys together (see image below). The message “Please insert a recovery USB stick or SD card” should appear in a minute or two. Once you see this message, Press the “Refresh” and “Power” keys together to return to the login screen. The screen may go dark for a minute or two before the login screen appears. If the Chromebook refuses to wake even after charging for several minutes, send it to the library for a replacement.

How To I Reset my Chromebook

When a Chromebook is no longer working correctly, it might be time to powerwash it. Please follow the steps in the link below.

How to Fix Teacher Chromebook Background Noise in Google Meet

The first step would be to power wash your Chromebook. For the steps to powerwash, please click on the link above. If you are still experiencing this sound on your Google Meets, put in a tech ticket right away by going to the BMNTUSD Bookmarks, and clicking on Technology Help Ticket Portal.

How to Reset and Cleanup Google Chrome if it Acts Strangely