An In-Person & Virtual Program

Supporting 3rd - 8th grade students

Pre-Enrollment Process

The process for enrolling students (which includes the mandatory parent meeting) for the 2021-22 Incredible Minds school year can be completed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from the comfort of your home. Please complete the steps below so we can get your student enrolled and provide the academic enrichment support that will align to their individual needs.

If your student is already participating in ASES, they automatically receive this academic enrichment support!

Pre- Registration

Pre-register each child you wish to enroll into the Incredible Minds Program


Create EDPuzzle account & complete the virtual parent meeting

This video will show you how to complete the referral form.

Before your make the referral, make sure you have the correct email address for the elementary teacher or middle school counselor.

For students in 3rd-8th grades

Informed K-12

Complete the referral for your student and wait for an Incredible Minds team member to contact you!

Incredible Minds Parent Handbook.pdf