Post-Secondary Information


Ms. Holmes is the Career/College Adviser and can be reached at

I am available to meet with students and their parents to discuss their future post-secondary plans. I can help students get connected to military and continuing education representatives, search for jobs, create resumes and cover letters, prepare for interviews, and so much more!

Junior & Senior Newsletters

February Senior Newsletter (1).pdf
February Junior Newsletter (1).pdf

Upcoming Events & Announcements

Transcript & Letter of Recommendation Request Processes


Email Ms. Fayman ( to request a transcript. You will need to fill out a transcript request form if you have not already done so before she is able to send your transcript to the location of your choosing. If you are under the age of 18, your parent/guardian will also need to sign this form, so plan ahead! If you need an unofficial transcript to check on your grades or to fill out a self-reporting application (Penn State, Temple, Pitt, etc.), send Ms. Holmes an email ( 

Letter of Recommendation

Send an email to your School Counselor, Mrs. Close (A-J) or Mrs. Knight (K-Z), at least two weeks prior to the deadline. Your counselor will then send you a Google Form for you to fill out to provide them with more information. The more detail you provide, the better their letter of recommendation can be!

Postsecondary Planning Resources

Below are resources to get you thinking about the different postsecondary pathways that are available to you after your graduate high school. If  you don't know what you want to do yet, that is completely normal and absolutely fine! If you'd like to chat, set up an appointment with Ms. Holmes via email ( Please use this entire website as a resource for you as you explore your postsecondary options!

Classroom Presentation (Career Focused but general information) (1).pdf
Post-Secondary Planning Guide (3).pdf