Grade 9 Honor's Language Arts

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.” — George R. R. Martin


Anyone may sign up for Monday or Wednesday Virtual Tutoring. It is from 4:30 until 5:30. Once you fill out the form (link below), you will receive an email with the Zoom Invite. You can log on anytime between 4:30 and 5:30 UNLESS YOU ARE REQUIRED BY YOUR TEACHER TO ATTEND THE ENTIRE SESSION.

Mrs. Butler’s 9th Grade Honors Language Arts

Welcome and Syllabus

Hello Ninth Graders and Parents!

I’m excited to begin this school year! I am very excited that we have a small group this year and will be able to do many different activities. Students, your assignments, links, etc. will be listed on our Google Classroom site. HOWEVER, please remember that assignments and due dates can and most likely will change at one time or another throughout the year. Also, I am sure that there will be computer problems and kinks with wifi, please let me know if that happens.

Supplies Needed Daily

  1. A binder and pencil

  2. The Studysync Workbook and/or other required text

  3. Laptop...fully charged. I will not have extra battery packs or laptops. If you need something, you should see Mrs. Nilson or Mr. Thompson BEFORE class. You should be able to access them over your lunch period or study hall. At this time, I do not know about recharging stations.

Your grades:

Your assignments and class work will be graded using the English Department’s weighted grading scale as follows:

Tests & Quizzes comprise 50% of your grade

Tests = 35% (Includes: tests, final projects, final writing, final projects, etc.)

Quizzes = 15%

Homework & Classwork comprise the other 50% of your grade

Classwork = 35% (Includes: class participation, group work, independent reading,

project work, bellwork, rough drafts for writing & projects, etc.)

Homework = 15%

If you are concerned about your grade, please let me know as soon as possible so that I can address your concerns.

Homework Policy

I grade homework using a “check” system based on completeness and accuracy. A “checkmark and a plus sign” on the paper is considered a 100%; a “checkmark” alone is 75%; and a “check with a minus sign” is 50%.

There are times that a homework assignment will be graded and used as a grade in a different category. For example, a take home quiz, editing or completing a writing assignment, etc. Students will always know how work will be graded.

Late Work

  • Homework: Students may turn in late work for half credit up to two days after it is due.

  • Writing, Projects, Formal Assessments that are late: Students will lose up to 10 points a day off of the grade received. Completion is NOT an option. Lunch and after school tutoring options are available.

The following school policy is important to point out: IT IS VITAL that students contact teachers if they are going to be absent because of an appointment, an activity for school or home, or will miss class for any reason. The student is responsible for work missed that day and work that is due for the next day. (This is different than the absence policy for being ill.)

Grade 9 SYLLABUS: We will attempt to complete as much of the following as possible using the StudySync program. There will be many other teacher created work and internet site work.

Unit 1 Empathy

Novel:To Kill a Mockingbird

Reading Comparative text and short stories; Punctuation and grammar; Research and projects.; Informative writing

Unit 2 Leadership

Novel Choices: Excerpts and full text novels 1984 and/or The Odyssey

Argumentative writing ; Companion sources using short stories, speeches, etc.

Unit 3 Dreams and Aspirations

Novel Choices: Possible reading for The Joy Luck Club and/or Of Mice And Men

Informative writing; Possible research

Unit 4 All For Love

Drama: Romeo and Juliet

Reading of parallel text; Research into the Shakespearean World; Narrative and argumentative writing; Projects

I am truly blessed to have the opportunity to teach this class and hopeful that you take away study and writing skills that will last you for many years! Please always feel free to reach out to me with questions or problems. The fastest is with email to

*background picture from Yellowstone Geyser Basin


The Google Classroom Code is: 92y464

Parents, you must have a Google Email Account to access this site.

The Purdue Online Writing Lab

The following site contains a wealth of writing information. If in doubt, follow the directions that are on this Purdue University Writing Lab site, commonly called "The Purdue Owl" for the Purdue Online Writing Lab.

This site also includes information on mechanics and grammar.

Paper Format: The information at this location briefly explains how your formal typed papers should be formatted.