Extra Curricular

JAGS Project (2).pdf

Sarah Roth

GO Night-Dinner

2nd quarter 2019


Sophomore year - CO-Curricular - Take action: Globally competent students have the skills and knowledge to not just learn about the world, but also to make a difference in the world.

For GO Night 2019, 5 JAGERS had to research, plan, present, and take action to help in the process of limiting world hunger. This artifact matches with the ISSN outcome I chose because everyone in the group had come up with a plan to take action. We researched, planned, and executed an almost perfect dinner. The artifact that I chose matches the ISSN domain of take action because in order to take action something needs to be done to propel us towards a greater future. To move forward, people need to understand others around them and those that are not quite as close that is why I chose this artifact for taking action.

This assignment was about opening up and reaching out into the community. This portion of the project had its challenges, such as figuring out where to have the function, how to get the word out, and who would be doing the cooking. After a lot of discussion with each other we decided that we would all cook, it would be at a local church and we would put flyers in teachers' classrooms. Once we all had those issues solved, new ones showed up, such as setting a time that worked for everyone. The group realized it would be a bit harder than originally thought. But in the end we pulled it off and collected over $300 to send the Child Hope International. When the group came up with this idea at first I thought it would be easy to do, but it proved me wrong. It was hard, but it helped me realize how much I enjoyed doing something that helped others in the long run. It may seem like $300 isn't all that much for food for some people but I learned that it could provide one family enough meals for 6 months.

This project and event truly opened my eyes to the world and my own committee in ways that I hadn't seen before. Throughout the time of doing this project I started to understand more how privileged I am to be where I am compared to others. This project made me want to learn more about current issues that other people and countries face.