2022 IFCPP

Webisite Created By:

Tyler Flechtner

Katie Elliott

Duncan Buckerfield

Akzhol Shanbai

IFCPP Overview:

IFCPP (International Friends Conversation Partner Program) is a project offered by Kent State University in Kent, Ohio, USA. Its purpose it to bring together students from all over the world, to answer a question through different perspectives. This question is supposed to drive communication throughout the year, so students come together to answer the question.

What is our driving question?

Our question is: How can an individual or a group of people influence others to fight against climate change? Navigate through the tabs below to view our response.


Social Media


Questions? Contact Us!

Tyler: tdflechtner1002@bearworks.jackson.sparcc.org

Kate: elliottk@hoban.org

Duncan: dlbuckerfield0509@bearworks.jackson.sparcc.org

Akzhol: akzolsanbaj@gmail.com

Other Important Information

KSU website: www.kent.edu/

Jackson Academy For Global Studies (JAGS) website: jags-info.com

To visit the sources used throughout the creation of this website see Acknowledgements.