Community College

California Community Colleges are open to everyone and do not have minimum GPA or testing requirements.

Attending a community college can be a great way to obtain career certificates, an Associate’s degree or transition to a four-year university.

Applications can be completed online and most campuses have staff available to provide assistance.

Students don’t need a high school diploma to attend, but do need either a high school diploma or GED to qualify for federal financial aid.

Meet Your Local Community Colleges!

Search, compare, and learn about CCC's HERE

Find a California Community College

Finding a California Community Colleges program that is right for you means reflecting on who you are and what you want to become.

For those who want to explore, online assessments can help you discover areas that ignites your passion. Mid-career professionals looking to build on their skills or embark on a new career can look into the California Community Colleges’ more than 200 workforce training opportunities that provide hands-on experience while building the comprehensive skill sets needed today and into the future.

From Associate Degree for Transfer program that sets a clear pathway to a California State University or University of California campus, to a burgeoning bachelor’s degree program that provides you with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in high-demand, well-paying industries, to Career Education programs that make the California Community Colleges the largest provider of workforce training in the nation, they have it all.

Admission Requirements

California community colleges are required to admit any California resident possessing a high school diploma or the equivalent.

Additionally, California community colleges may admit any nonresident possessing a high school diploma or the equivalent, or anyone (resident or nonresident) over the age of 18 without a high school diploma or the equivalent who, in the judgment of the board, is capable of profiting from the instruction offered.

Community colleges may admit minors who do not hold high school diplomas or the equivalent to credit courses as special part-time or special full-time students.

Interested students should contact the college's admissions office

Ready to Apply to a California Community College (CCC)?

With this account you can apply to every California Community College, all in one place!

Make sure you create an account through OpenCCC HERE

A Degree with a Guarantee - Community College to Four Year School Pathway

Some 80,000 California community colleges students transfer seamlessly to a University of California or California State University campus every year. And every year, nearly 40,000 California community college students earn an Associate Degree for Transfer that guarantees them admission as juniors to a Cal State campus and other participating universities.

That’s why we call it the Degree with a Guarantee.

So if you’re looking to move on to a UC or CSU school, if you want to get into a Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) campus, if you’re intent on attending one of three dozen independent, nonprofit universities in California, the Degree with a Guarantee may be the perfect fit for you.

The Associate Degree for Transfer will help the California Community Colleges meet the ambitious goals set forth in its Vision for Success, which, among other things, calls for substantial increases in the number of students transferring to a four-year college or university each year.

Learn more about the Degree with a Guarantee today.

There are more than 40 Associate Degree for Transfer majors offered in a wide variety of fields of study throughout the California Community Colleges system. Use the search tools below to explore the majors and transfer pathways available to participating four-year universities. Explore the options HERE

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