Events and News!

Snowfields Potting Event

We were delighted that our pupils have had the opportunity to work with students from Snowfields Academy.

Bearsted Primary Academy pupils were able to pot a plant with support from older students. Everyone who worked on the project was truly impressed with the conduct and interaction of all of the pupils and students. It was definitely an enjoyable new experience for all involved.

We know by all of your comments that you shared having seen the final product, that you agree, the quality of what they produced was fantastic.

We hope they make treasured gifts for whomever they are being given to.

Protection from the sun

We want to take the opportunity to remind you of our academy expectations regarding keeping safe in the warmer weather and sunshine.

As an academy, we encourage the use of 24-hour sunscreens and do not encourage sunscreen to be sent into the academy with children. A number of factors have contributed to this decision, such as, the loss or misapplication of sunscreens sent into the academy.

We strongly encourage our pupils to wear a sunhat. This will provide them with protection from the sun and also aid in keeping them cool.

Children are permitted to wear sunglasses to protect and maintain their visual health. The academy cannot take responsibility for the loss or damage of sunglasses. However, we will support your child in ensuring they look after their belongings appropriately.

At times when there is a significant increase, or likelihood of raised temperatures, the academy will take additional measures. These measures might be, but are not limited to, providing extra shade, restricting time spent in the sun or conducting break/lunchtime within the academy building.

Thank you for your continued support with these measures.

Sports Day

As you will be aware from our academy key dates section of the newsletter, sports day is on Wednesday 06th July.

We will be welcoming parents and carers onto the academy site from 13:10 to spectate this event.

The children will stay with their class and complete a circuit/series of timed events.

Parents and carers will be able to watch their child/ren compete in their various events from a spectators area.

Children WILL NOT be permitted to be released to parents/carers during this event and will be released as per our usual procedures.

Further detailed information will be shared with you in due course.