Year Three

In Year 3, we are exploring our planet and how humans have adapted and changed through our central idea: The earth’s geography has an impact on human survival. Our lines of inquiry, which act as a springboard for our learning and keep our inquiry focused, are:

Our key concepts are form (what is it like?) and function (how does it work?). 

In our unit of inquiry, pupils will utlise their historical skills to explore natural disasters from the past as well as more recent disasters. While doing so, pupils will also develop their geographical skills and thinking by learning about different climates and how that contributes to natural disasters but also how different climates offer different living conditions. 

Escape from Pompeii

Guiding our inquiry is our core text, 'Escape from Pompeii'. The picture book offers an insight into what life was like in Pompeii before the disaster, how its citizens escaped and the lasting impact on society. As pupils deepen their knowledge, they will compare Pompeii with more recent natural disasters while considering how modern innovations make us better equipped to deal with such events. 


Near the end of our programme of inquiry, pupils will demonstrate their knowledge by designing a village that could survive a natural disaster. This will be a rewarding opportunity for pupils to showcase all the knowledge they have learned and utilise the skills they have developed over the course of this inquiry unit.