

Interview Sentences

Interview Questions

Parents Reflection on Online Learning


Home Audit Continuum

This is the Home Audit Continuum, I wrote down the problems at home and wo did it impact. Please look the picture over there.


Teachers Reflection on Online Learning


Teachers need a way to make Online Learning less stressful FOR THEM, because looking at the data, Teachers stressful level is quite high. They spend 2-3 hours planning and 1-2 hours marking. They can assign tasks that students can plan themself.

Students need to make OL less distracting. Maybe they can ZOOM in an environment with no distractions.

Be active is one of the things that decreased the most in online learning, I suggest jogging or ride a bike within a short distance at lunchtime and come back for the lesson.

Think Feel Care Chart for Project

This is the think feel care chart for my exhibition project. This impacts The Reporters, Readers and Y1-6s.

Interview Questions.

What do you want to know about the school?

Do you think a newspaper every week can increase the connection between you and the school?

Do you think online learning is making you lose track of the school? If you do, do you think a newspaper can improve that problem?

Do you want a newspaper?

Would you want to pay for a newspaper or get it for free

Do you like to read a newspaper online or offline?

Do you want to watch a video or read it?