My Interests

I have lots of interests, some are funny and some are normal but I hope you all enjoy them! From my interests, I have decided to do research and create an experience about the Harry Potter book series.

Percy Jackson

I am a total rick riordan no 1 fan. I read his books. I have read all his Percy Jackson , the whole series, heroes of olympus, I'm on the Blood of Olympus and I have read all the extra books. I'm more of an Greek Myhtology guy rather than egyptian though I have started reading Kane Chronicles,

Harry Potter

I used to think that Harry Potter was pretty boring but these days I started to go pretty addicted to it, I mean though the start is boring but rest is actually pretty cool. I like Harry Potter very much.


Though I don't do that much badminton, I still like it quite a lot because I think it's pretty fun. But I'm not the person who goes all crazy about it and watches all the games. I just PLAY it for fun.


I really like legos. I could remember it pretty well. My mom told me if I could sleep alone for one night I would get a big present. I was all excited about the prize so I did it. When I woke up I got a big lego set! I had no idea what it was, but it looked cool. Before, my Grandpa bought me those rip off sets that were really easy to make. But the lego set that my mom got, man I knew that amateur hour was over. I got a little help from my helper but after I grasped the basics, I made the rest myself and I was only 3 years old. The lego set that my mom bought me was for 7+! For the rest of the time, I got more legos and I still get some now.


Youtube is pretty entertaining, I watch it on a daily basis, but I can't watch too much a day. Only 1 hour. My favorite youtubers are DanTDM, Ssundee and I also watch Saturday Night Takeaway.

Bubble Gum

I prefer sugarfree gum myself, but I'm also fine with sugar. There aren't any good bubble gum in HK but I really like to blow the bubbles. I can blow super big bubbles. the downside is that they stick to your face

Big Nate

I may not sound like a Big Nate guy, but I'm betting my money that I have read way more Big Nate books than you have. Not only have I read all the book series (except for lives it up) I have also read all the comic books (except for 4 books, but who cares?) and I also read some limited edition comic strips in Big Nate GoComics which you can read for free. I first got addicted to Big Nate when I was looking in the library and my eyes fell on a decent looking novel. It was the Big Nate: In A Class By Himself and it was awesome. I later heard of the comics series and I got even more addicted to it. I started with revenge of the creampuffs (or was it makes the grade) and now I read the comics on Epic and I have read all the Big Nate books, seriously. I am probably the #1 Big Nate fan in this school.

Below is my Harry Potter Experience:

I began reading Harry Potter when I was a kid but I lost interest very quickly and ended it around the 4th book. Later on, I started reading Percy Jackson and got addicted to it promptly. These days my dad ain't goin' to work so I can't read any Percy Jackson books. So my dad told me I should start reading harry potter. My reaction? No way! Later I got so bored that I started rereading the Percy Jackson books, like the battle scenery in Heroes of Olympus which was the second book, Son of Neptune. I decided that I should probably listen to my dad so I reread Harry Potter from the very start. It was actually not bad, to be honest, and the movies are really well done, especially the fact that they're one of those really old ones. The books are excellent. Now that I rethink it they were around the same as Percy Jackson level. I still do prefer Percy Jackson because they are more comedic. I read Harry Potter all the way to the Deathly Hallows. I think that Harry Potter is satisfactory. When I was reading Harry Potter I started with the first book. I believe that you shouldn't read a random Harry Potter book because it spoils all the fun and mystery of the other books. It also puzzles you and makes you lose interest in it really quickly. When I read it the opening part is really boring if I have to say but the rest is really action-packed and sometimes even spooky. The main reason is that the first part of the Harry Potter book is about Harry being with his foster family and being mistreated. I hope I helped you unravel the curtain into the world of magic, I'll see you there!