The importance of motivation

On this page, I had to write a poem to share what motivates me and why motivation is important. I learnt that motivation was very important and much more important than I would've thought. But, if none of us had motivation or if motivation didn't exist, we probably wouldn't even get out of bed in the morning and none of us would have advanced technology because the creators of things we find everywhere today were all made by people who were motivated to change the world and find new technology or help the world somehow.

Don't surround me in praise, but don't look down on me.

Even if I seem strange, don't give weird looks to me.

Instead, If you are trying to make me feel better, don't say mean things.

Have faith in me but, don't make me feel sad.

Don't compare yourself to others

Different people have different skill sets

Focus on what your good at

Instead of bringing yourself down.