celebrating me and my learning communities

Who I am as a person and a learner

My life as a learner in the past until now

My goals and aspirations as a learner looking into the future going into secondary school

All About Me

“Look at her she looks like she’s about to fall-, oh she fell.” is what people say when I fall (or almost fall depends on what my body wants to do). Anyways, enough about me being clumsy, falling face first on the ground and breaking my glasses. My name is Savannah So and I attend a primary school in Hong Kong called Beacon Hill School. Just so you know, I’m very.. unusual let’s say. Most of the things I say are either loud, or too loud. I’m always loud. Along with my other family members (and 2 cats) I am going to tell you about.. my life or something I don’t know. Even though this paragraph may seem VERY unprofessional, I’m really unprofessional yeah I don’t know why I said that.

I’ve done a lot in life. You can do a lot in 10 years. One of the things I’m most proud of though is teaching myself how to draw. This all started around a year ago (middle of year 5 I think) when I was looking at people drawing or painting on YouTube. I’ve been interested in art for my whole life (I found some old paintings that I did when I was 5 and they look TERRIBLE) so I started learning how to draw. At the start, I was really, REALLY frustrated. I always knew that drawing something that looked nice or learning how to draw was hard. But I never thought it was THAT hard. I have to confess, I underestimated artists and how hard it was to ACTUALLY make quality art. It’s really hard. I’ve learnt to appreciate art and artists more now. It takes a lot of time for you to actually become GOOD at art. If you expect it to just come to you then I’m sorry but, you're wrong. You aren’t born with skill. For some reason, people think you’re born with talent and if you can’t naturally do it then it wasn’t meant for you.

Enough of my blabbering, this introduction is getting long so I’m gonna stop here. If I don’t this supposedly “short” introduction is going to be 3 pages long. If you have time, check out my website, please a lot of work has gone into it. My fingers are getting tired from typing. Anyways, thanks for reading this VERY long introduction. Bye bye.

Savannah So