Tuning In / Connect

Exploring the central idea and design thinking through a case study on online learning.

Defining the central idea

22. 2. 2021

Understanding parts people and interactions

24. 2. 2021

Defining the design thinking process

22. 2. 2021

We were understanding the design thinking process, and what we thought was the meaning of each of them, and I also drew some logos representing each of them.

Working in pairs to refine questions

26. 2. 2021

We were formulating questions to go in our survey for parents, part of our design thinking process of empathising with the minds of the audience.

The Different Types of Actions

Finding out actions by other people and sorting them in categories.


We were watching videos of some small actions that other people did, and the difference it made to the world. We were sorting them in Participation, Advocacy, Social Justice, Social Entrepreneur, and Social Lifestyle.

Teen wins peace prize


Using the graphic organiser, we answer questions from the text of innovations from young people, the questions were in categories like empathise, define, ideate, prototype and test. This text was about a young Bangladesh prodigy of 17 years old, making a website to fight against cyber-bullying.

Start a radio show


Doing the same as last time, this case study was about Vick Hope's advice to help children start a radio show. As a lot of children think making a radio show is fun, it doesn't mean they're not a few limitations.

Info-graphic about students well-being due to home learning

With the information 6C got, we had to display it in an infographic, which includes numerous graphs and charts, filled a lot of information.

An infographic about teacher's perspectives in online learning

With the survey information 6B got, we were to make an infographic about teacher's perspectives.

Info-graphic about parents perspectives in online learning

This infographic shows the result of our (6J's) parent's survey. I was surprised that a lot of parents said that online learning had a positive impact on their intellectual wellbeing.

Street Cleaner


In the street cleaner scenario, we were empathising what the street cleaner might have felt and what other people passing by felt like. Then we were defining the problem that needed to be solve. Then we were creating some wacky ideas of how we could solve the problem.

The Uniform Problem


In the uniform problem scenario, we were empathising of what students and adults felt when their uniform doesn't fit on their child anymore due to online learning (not wearing them a lot). Then we were defining the problem that was needed to be solved. Then we were creating some wacky ideas of how we could solve the uniform problem.

The 3 Y's


We used these three questions to tune into the idea that for a problem to really be worth thinking about we need to look at it from different perspectives.